Donald Trump has been called a religious bigot and a xenophobe for suggesting the U.S. exercise caution before inviting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into the country, but his concern seems eminently reasonable when the European experience with migrants is examined.
The migrants are proving to be violent, demanding, and determined to take over neighborhoods and enforce their own culture and religion on the citizens who have welcomed them into the country. The experiences found in Denmark should be sufficient to give the United States pause.
Muslims seek to rule in Denmark, page 2:
Get rid of these fucks!!!
guess we need to arrest obummer & his muslims & go save europe again
It’s hard to miss when your target wears orange.
Hang on guys, the calvary is coming.
Peter Caroline it’s getting worse by the day in France and the average Pierre has had enough.
When sharia law bans wine in France, maybe the worm will turn. but maybe not. The Germans are starting to get a little testy over the muzzie invasion.
Haha! Welcome to Baconville!
Drive by them problem solved they won’t hesitate to do that on us
more dam muslin b******t they need to eat pork bac
Baseball bat!!