Donald Trump has been called a religious bigot and a xenophobe for suggesting the U.S. exercise caution before inviting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into the country, but his concern seems eminently reasonable when the European experience with migrants is examined.
The migrants are proving to be violent, demanding, and determined to take over neighborhoods and enforce their own culture and religion on the citizens who have welcomed them into the country. The experiences found in Denmark should be sufficient to give the United States pause.
Muslims seek to rule in Denmark, page 2:
Freaking sick!
Bull sit!
Trump for President
we have our own police we do not need you , get out of our country
the only answer is deportation.
there are european patrols in many countries now that patrol looking for muslim$#%&!@*heads that are causing trouble.
If I see this in my town,I’ll shot that$#%&!@*back to Allah
Ha whatever u and all these facebook warriors won’t do s**t
Europe have you people became such pussys that you can’t get people of your own country’s to unite and beat the hell out of these Muslims. Come on Europe attack them Muslim asses attack them 20 to 1 if your government won’t do it you’s do it Attack
shariah zones must be banned in the USA and shariah law must be banned also.