Donald Trump has been called a religious bigot and a xenophobe for suggesting the U.S. exercise caution before inviting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into the country, but his concern seems eminently reasonable when the European experience with migrants is examined.
The migrants are proving to be violent, demanding, and determined to take over neighborhoods and enforce their own culture and religion on the citizens who have welcomed them into the country. The experiences found in Denmark should be sufficient to give the United States pause.
Muslims seek to rule in Denmark, page 2:
Like to see these twats try that$#%&!@*in some honky tonk in Texas!
Bang bang bang bang
We do NOT respect your sharia TRASH.
I would like to hear what the people living in UK are saying about this
Very insightful posting.
In America, Sharia police are not law enforcement, and if they ever tried to enforce it here, there will be hundreds of my fellow Americans ready to kick their asses.
Better “NIP IT ” now.
RELEASE THE PIGGIES ! Watch them run.
Hope you all suffer letting in the satan follower of evil the cult of ISLAM into your culture and life, Enjoy the hate, intolerance, criminal and psychopathic horrific behavior’s of these sub-humans!
They need to fight back and now. Do they even have guns to protect them selves. If not your government need to get it together and start pushing back. They are a very sick minded people. Who need to be stopped. Do not give up. THEY BELIEVE IN CONTROL OF THE WOMAN AND CHILDREN. RAPE IS THEIR FAVORITE PAST TIME. THEY ARE A DEMONIC CULT.