Donald Trump has been called a religious bigot and a xenophobe for suggesting the U.S. exercise caution before inviting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into the country, but his concern seems eminently reasonable when the European experience with migrants is examined.
The migrants are proving to be violent, demanding, and determined to take over neighborhoods and enforce their own culture and religion on the citizens who have welcomed them into the country. The experiences found in Denmark should be sufficient to give the United States pause.
Muslims seek to rule in Denmark, page 2:
I’d like to see these bastards come round to the bar I drink in a preach there shite fucking scum of the earth
That would be implore.
I think they need to take up arms and throw them all out. If that involves killing everyone of them to preserve what europe was and wants to be then so be it. they are taking over europe without lifting a finger or a fight.
European citizens will only take so much and then they will go against the Muslims with a fury and that will lead to another war in Europe, all because the leaders were so damned stupid now and let the rats in the house.
Those orange vests make good targets.
Shoot the bastard DS today. End of problem.
Get a gun now.
I can’t even believe you’re that stupid to believe anything they say morons
lock and load , any time you see a Shariah police shoot.
What the heck has happened to Europe, they allowed themselves to be invaded