Donald Trump has been called a religious bigot and a xenophobe for suggesting the U.S. exercise caution before inviting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into the country, but his concern seems eminently reasonable when the European experience with migrants is examined.
The migrants are proving to be violent, demanding, and determined to take over neighborhoods and enforce their own culture and religion on the citizens who have welcomed them into the country. The experiences found in Denmark should be sufficient to give the United States pause.
Muslims seek to rule in Denmark, page 2:
Europe is lost$#%&!@*had only 7% support to take over Europe in his quest for world dominance. Muslims are doing the same and death to those that oppose or are different
muslims hate everyone
NO muslims
I see this in my comunity they will wish they were in saudi i will not tollerate this$#%&!@*anymore muslims go home or feel the wrath of the fed up American people.
Europe is fucking stupid. Kill them.l motherfuckers.
Europe stop being bitches. Kill them motherfuckers. Get to get her as a community and push them out! Don’t take no$#%&!@*$#%&!@*them!
Europe stop being bitches. Kill them motherfuckers. Get together as a community and push them out! Don’t take no$#%&!@*$#%&!@*them! Beat them.
Bar owners need to arm their employees and get rid of shariah themselves!
I hope they try that$#%&!@* I’m ready to skin me one and burn down there gay as gods house.