Bar Owners Impore Gov’t To Save Them From Muslims Imposing Sharia Zones

Bar owners in Copenhagen are begging the government to help protect them from groups of Muslims that are attempting to shut their businesses down and impose “Sharia zones.”

These bar owners say that Muslims are extorting them for money, chucking rocks through windows and engaging in other acts of vandalism to intimidate patrons, International Business Times reports.

“Recently some young men came into the bar and shouted that all guests should leave,” Heidi Dyrnesli from Cafe Heimdal told Radio24syv.

“They shouted that the site belongs to them and that Norrebro is a Sharia zone, so there is no drinking alcohol,” Dyrnesli said.

Birgitte Fischer, who runs Mucki Bar, says Muslims demanded that she pay $9,200 as so-called protection money.

The police meanwhile have done nothing but downplay pleas. Continued protests from establishment owners, however, have resulted in a visit from Denmark’s Minister for Integration Inger Stoejberg to Norrebro, a suburb of Copenhagen. Two women called Stoejberg a “fascist” and “Nazi” for simply touring the area. They were subsequently detained.

A group named “Call to Islam,” which promotes Salafism, was kicked off Muslim patrols five years ago in Denmark. Since then, these groups have declared parts of the country to be “Sharia-controlled zones.” Muslims then move about in packs in the area and try and enforce their conception of morality on Danes.

The logical solution would be to send these troublemakers and lawbreakers back to their home country where they can enjoy the benefits and blessings of living under Sharia law. Presumably it would be in a mean and failed economic condition which seems to exist in virtually every country where Sharia is practiced, with the exception being the elites who enjoy lives of profligacy provided by oil money which never reaches down to the common people.

These radical religionists should take a look at countries where Sharia law is practiced and try to explain why it is an eminently failed system rife with corruption.




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