Stephen K. Bannon is not going to be pulling any punches now that he’s free from the Swamp’s oily clutches. While acting as the president’s Chief Strategist, his ability to suggest to Trump the most honest and direct way to talk to his base led him to a wonderful trashing of not only a vile woman whose primary motivation was money and not country, but also the Swamp Establishmentariat itself, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that we, in fact, are the elites in this country.
Without so much as a whisper of discontent, the former strategist laid out in stark black and white terms what is wrong with the Swamp and who is ultimately responsible for not implementing the Trump agenda.
Bannon paid a visit to CBS’ “60 Minutes” to set some things straight and ended with a bang, as Charlie Rose attempted to squeeze out of Bannon some disrespect or angst about President Trump. Instead, he managed even more to solidify the sentiments of Conservative America!
Turn to the next page to find out more about his comments behind enemy lines!
Andrea Thompson Andrea, think about what makes a “RINO”? Who pays them? What do they get out of it? That’s the key question. You should be automatically asking that question all the time about everything and everyone.
Get them, Bannon. We all know Ryan and McConnell are swamp creatures!
Love this guy! He’s Trump’s attack dog! God bless him!
They are establishment politicians–the biggest insult I can think of
Total Idiots!
I agree they are sabotaging our American Dream and need to be removed.
They can’t, seems the more they dig the more evidence against Clinton stacking the polls. She claims she won popular vote but she didn’t even come close.
RYAN AND McCONNELL are just as corrupt as the democrats! In someways they are worse because you expect the democrats to be leftist trash but when your own party is full of traitors, that make’s them even more like VERMIN!
Want happen they try we the people will end there lives the way they want understand