Afraid of guns and now God Bless America, Gersh Kuntzman from the New York Daily Newsonce again bloviates his athei-leftist and vacuous opinions in a new column at the Daily News, but this time regarding baseball and the 7th-inning-stretch.
After making a foolish name for himself by describing his panic-stricken experience of firing AR-15, Kuntzman once again opens himself up for perfectly aimed ridicule when he states that God Bless America, the song sung during the 7th-inning-stretch at America’s past time, should be benched.
“It must be permanently retired as it offends everyone,” according to Kuntzman. Perhaps Gersh just hates baseball or America or God or all of the above, as his statistics supporting the idea that the song “offends everyone” is invalidated when a stadium full of fans still sing it in an uproarious fashion when played.
Kuntzman claims he was okay with the anthem right after 9/11, “singing a paean to our country provided catharsis, comfort and shared heartache”, but has since decided to hate it and the message it brings.
Read his arrogant opinions on the following page.
By singing the song, maybe those against it , are afraid God will bless Americ.
What…the national pastime… when will America wake up ??
Its time to boycott baseball, and any other establishment that is unamerican.Its funny liberals think only about themselves and today, tomm they will be just as screwed as everyone else if they get there way, so kinda ironic if u ask
Just sing it! What the hell will they do?
If they Ban God Bless America from baseball I will ban baseball .
good christians are hypocrites, how are you goin to say god bless america when your bible clearly states that your god created the world, christian hypocrissy does not cease to amaze me, and you wonder why people dont like christians
We greatly encourage all you baseball fans to not ever stop. Our country, THE GREATEST CHRISTIAN REPUBLIC ON EARTH is under attack. We can’t let The Communist New World Order win!!!!!!!!
Who’s stupid idea was that
Then they would ban us from watching America’s pasttime.