Afraid of guns and now God Bless America, Gersh Kuntzman from the New York Daily Newsonce again bloviates his athei-leftist and vacuous opinions in a new column at the Daily News, but this time regarding baseball and the 7th-inning-stretch.
After making a foolish name for himself by describing his panic-stricken experience of firing AR-15, Kuntzman once again opens himself up for perfectly aimed ridicule when he states that God Bless America, the song sung during the 7th-inning-stretch at America’s past time, should be benched.
“It must be permanently retired as it offends everyone,” according to Kuntzman. Perhaps Gersh just hates baseball or America or God or all of the above, as his statistics supporting the idea that the song “offends everyone” is invalidated when a stadium full of fans still sing it in an uproarious fashion when played.
Kuntzman claims he was okay with the anthem right after 9/11, “singing a paean to our country provided catharsis, comfort and shared heartache”, but has since decided to hate it and the message it brings.
Read his arrogant opinions on the following page.
Idiotic and un-American. Shame
God Bless America ,Obama won’t
Whose stupid idea was this? Banning a song from a baseball game? How are they going to enforce it? You can say or sing whatever the hell you want, or you can remain silent or sing to Allah or fucking Thor if it pleases you, that’s first ammendment rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc. Banning citizens from singing God bless America is just as unconstitutional as printing “in God we trust” in paper currency, or saying “so help me God” when taking an oath in a government institution, or placing your hand on a Bible before a judge or “one nation under God”…
They built it but if we do not go…………If we do not fight for our country, our traditions, our freedoms and our way of life….WE DO NOT DESERVE to keep it. NOTHING great exists from weakness, surrender and cowering in a corner when faced with A BAN ……Next they will have us fighting tigers to watch us become tiger chow as the sport instead of AMERICAN BASEBALL.
And I thought this page was about conservatism and fighting back political correctness and the regressive leftist liberal Marxist feminist cancer in our society, you know standing up for freedom and common sense policies, but just like Denis Prager in Prager University you keep conflating patriotism with faith, what’s a conservative atheist like me supposed to do?
we are the morons by doing nothing to stop them from all this evil c**p to please the muslims
The world just keep getting better, thanks to political correctness