Afraid of guns and now God Bless America, Gersh Kuntzman from the New York Daily Newsonce again bloviates his athei-leftist and vacuous opinions in a new column at the Daily News, but this time regarding baseball and the 7th-inning-stretch.
After making a foolish name for himself by describing his panic-stricken experience of firing AR-15, Kuntzman once again opens himself up for perfectly aimed ridicule when he states that God Bless America, the song sung during the 7th-inning-stretch at America’s past time, should be benched.
“It must be permanently retired as it offends everyone,” according to Kuntzman. Perhaps Gersh just hates baseball or America or God or all of the above, as his statistics supporting the idea that the song “offends everyone” is invalidated when a stadium full of fans still sing it in an uproarious fashion when played.
Kuntzman claims he was okay with the anthem right after 9/11, “singing a paean to our country provided catharsis, comfort and shared heartache”, but has since decided to hate it and the message it brings.
Read his arrogant opinions on the following page.
Is Obama going to put them in jail the jerk this is getting insane he is humiliating all he can
We should all say it in all the game they play and show we will not be told what we can say your not our dicator
This is getting so out of control. Enough of this here is not evil worshippers, is Godly country. What is matter with this people.
Agree, what a bunch of c**p.
No it does not offend everyone, only idiots like him.
The Astros sang God Bless America today during the 7th inning stretch!!!! Texas loves America and we still sing our patriotic songs!!!!
American best past time sport! Maybe Americans should find another sport to support.
Texas shooting the fireworks
Were the Jews before Moses celebrating their freedom under the$#%&!@*of Pharaoh?
Were, Americans under King George 3rd celebrating their freedom or did they just like fireworks?
Today folks have no idea , what holiday is, they just like fireworks..
How can one celebrate freedom when so many are oporessed by a cruel government. Did we forget the 30% of draftee’s that were 25% of the army that were in essence murdered not defending or protecting the united states in the war of Viet Nam?.Is it not strange the career soldiers were not killed as were the slave soldiers? Should one celebrate a caste, system where blacks , and illegals have set our constitution back before the bill if rights was signed?
Does Germany celebrate the holocaust or the 28 million Russians killed and the 400,000 American lives lost.
Actually people don’t care about a holiday, just like to have day off work and enjoy fireworks. Can I celebrate the millions of oppressed white people having no constitutional rights after Johnson took away the right for all men to achieve their dreams thru their own by their own labor and industry,?