There have been a total of 15 deaths of high level bankers in the past few months with the recent death of Nicholas Valtz, a 39-year old managing director at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in New York, due to a ‘kiteboarding accident.’
Many of these deaths are ruled as suicides, although some are quite strange. Like Richard Talley, the 57-year-old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, who somehow shot himself with a nail gun 8 times.
Click the link below for more info:
Josh Montgomery
The take over is starting now.
Wired. Maybe our government knows ? Do you suppose. People died mysteriously during Clinton’s administration
Looks very suspicious!! Like the sudden death of all those witnesses within two years after the assignation of JFK.
Bill Sharpe said it all. Finally someone using thier head.
why are they committing suicide?.. because they know that the dollar is dead and they are either actually giving up and committing suicide OR they are being snuffed out to keep them from going public with what they know. Yeah they killed off a bunch of 9/11 witnesses too Jose Caballero..
cia covering there track from congress already
Of course people died mysteriously during the Clinton administration Marlene Knott there were just as many scandals if not more than with this one, oh yeah people dies over White Water alone witnesses died
Whitewater – the alleged banking and real estate scandals of Clinton and his friends.
these are a few of the nasties the Clintons were up to while in office
Cattle Futuresgate – This involved Hillary’s investment of $1,000 in cattle futures that turned into $100,000
Travelgate – The Clintons fired seven white house travel office employees in favor of hire relatives and friends.
Gennifer Flowersgate – Bill Clinton denied a 12 year affair with Gennifer Flowers. She taped phone calls with him but he claimed they were false and branded her a liar. Now he has admitted to at least some of the affair. It turns out Clinton was the liar.
Filegate – This involves the discovery of over 900 Republican FBI files in the White House. The Clinton administration called it a mistake.
Vince Fostergate – Soon after Clinton lawyer Vince Foster committed suicide, his office was cleared out, which included Whitewater billing records and several key pieces of evidence.
Whitewater Billing Recordsgate – Years after they had disappeared from Vince fosters office, subpoenaed Whitewater billing records mysteriously appeared in the White House.
Paula Jonesgate –
Federal Building Campaign Phone Callsgate -Al Gore made over 75 illegal phone calls to solicit contributions to the DNC from federal property.
Lincoln Bedroomgate – DNC donors were allowed to spend the night in the Lincoln bedroom for a contribution of $150,000.
Donations from Convicted Drug and Weapons Dealersgate – The Clintons were photographed on numerous occasions meeting with drug ring leader Jorge Cabrera at fundraising events. Clinton donations also came from a convicted illegal arms dealer and Chinese government agents.Buddhist Templegate – Al Gore attended a money funneling event/fundraiser at a Buddhist temple then claimed he never knew about it being a fundraiser.
Lippogate – A total of $452,000 in illegal donations was given to the DNC from the Indonesian Lippo group. John Huang, a Clinton cronie and former Commerce department official with top level FBI clearance pled guilty to funneling Lippo group and Chinese donations to the DNC.
Chinagate – Attempts were made by Communist China to funnel money to the Clinton campaign and influence elections in 1996. Charlie Trie, one of Clintons trusted DNC fundraisers, attempted to funnel this money. When faced with indictment he fled to China. Another money funneler for the communists and Clinton campaign, Johnny Chung, went to jail.
The Lewinsky Affair – Clinton’s affair with an intern and the subsequent denial to the American People, which turned out to be a lie.
Perjury and Jobs for Lewinskygate – There was evidence that Lewinsky was instructed how to hide the affair by Clinton and offered a job by Vernon Jordan – as an “incentive” to remain quiet.
Willeygate – Kathleen Willey directly accused President Clinton of fondling her in the White House then attempting to hide it. Willey was a Democrat and enthusiastic Clinton supporter.
Web Hubbell Prison Phone Callgate – While in prison, Web Hubbell was taped making phone calls in which methods were discussed to achieve a pardon and evidence on other Clinton scandals was discussed.
Selling Military Technology to the Chinesegate – Clinton administration gave military technology to Communist China. This information included satellite guidance technology and enough information for communist China to modernize their nuclear arsenal.
Wag the Doggate – The repeated use of the United States military to draw attention away from the Presidential impeachment proceedings. One day before he was to be impeached, Clinton called an uncharacteristic suprise air attack on Iraq.
Jaunita Broaddrick Gate – Jaunita Broaddrick, a former Clinton campaigner in Arkansas, appeared on national television and accused Clinton of raping her in the late seventies.
Vandalgate – Before leaving the White House, members of the Clinton administration vandalized the Whitehouse as a “prank” on the incoming Republican administration.
Lootergate – Bill and Hillary Clinton left the Whitehouse with silverware, furniture, and many items that were donated to the Whire House. They claimed the items were given to them. Included was a multi thousand dollar furniture set belonging to the Interior Department, which the Clintons had tried to claim as a gift before being forced to return it under pressure.
Pardongate – On the night before and morning of his departure from office, Bill Clinton made several controversial “midnight” pardons. Aside from pardoning political allies and scandal co-conspirators such as Susan McDougal, Henry Cisneros, and his brother Roger, Bill pardoned fugitive criminal millionaire Marc Rich. Among Rich’s crimes were oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis and ties to arms smuggling. Hillary Clinton’s brother Hugh Rodham was paid over $400,000 dollars for successfully fighting for pardons and commutations for criminals Carlos Vignali and Almon Glenn Braswell. Hillary and Bill denied any knowledge of Hugh’s involvement and, under pressure, called on him to return the money.
Such BS. SNowden told $#%&!@* that should have caused a rebellion. The American public did NOTHING. We ALL know the banks and the government are royally $#%&!@*ing us. Ain’t nobody gonna do anything. You got a full belly, A/C, a big screen hi-def TV, a car or 3 , a motorcycle, a surround sound system, a swimming pool , and you’re considered “middle class” .
Ain’t nobody gonna do nothing.