There’s a growing demand coming from the fringe — well, let’s hope it’s the fringe — demanding reparations for sufferings caused by slavery in America as well as for the sufferings, primarily of African-Americans, in the years since its abolition. It’s a radical idea that cannot be supported economically or ideologically.
Before going further, it must be stated emphatically that the practice of slavery is abhorrent. That it occurred in America is a stain on our history. That it occurred throughout the world for millennia, is a stain on humanity. No amount of words will remove the fact that this inhumane practice has been part of the human condition. Those who worked for its abolition deserve our admiration and gratitude.
However, demands for trillions of dollars in reparations to the descendants of those who suffered under slavery in America in not supportable. More on page two.
Wouldn’t want this “professor” teaching my kids!
We owe you nothing
Your happyasols
Racist educated idiot.
Were all ready overpaying his salary.
Well Mr. Professor you may want to wake up the dead to collect your money because they are the one’s who would even be considered responsible along with your original country. I’m not paying nothing. This generation has nothing to do with it so get your money from the dead and good luck with that because it’s as useless as this post!!
So…..that’s what YOU want…what about what I want;
1. I want you fired, you have no right to even have access to our young adults…spreading your racists ideas!
2. Yes, racist! YOU are a racist….it works both ways…YOU hate people who happen to be white!
3. I want this sort of ranting stopped! It is totally ripping our country apart!
4. I want all this desecration of our historical monuments stopped! They don’t offend you, most people didn’t even know they were there! It offends me that they are being destroyed or removed!
5. I want the 1-15% of our population, demanding and ruling decisions made by public officials stopped! I believe in equality for all and that includes ME!! Most often, just plain equality isn’t enough and the demands NEVER END!
6. And finally, all the handouts that happened during the Obama era must end! Get a job, or two if necessary! BE RESPONSIBLE! Take care of yourself and your family, pay your own rent, buy your own groceries, feel the pride in knowing you can take care of yourself, no matter how hard you must work to do it! If you are truly disabled, that is different!
And, thank God every single day, that you are allowed to live in this amazing country!
who’s his crack dealer
He’s a whackadoodle! #UCONN is going to lose a few applications over this libtard!
Kiss my white ass