There’s a growing demand coming from the fringe — well, let’s hope it’s the fringe — demanding reparations for sufferings caused by slavery in America as well as for the sufferings, primarily of African-Americans, in the years since its abolition. It’s a radical idea that cannot be supported economically or ideologically.
Before going further, it must be stated emphatically that the practice of slavery is abhorrent. That it occurred in America is a stain on our history. That it occurred throughout the world for millennia, is a stain on humanity. No amount of words will remove the fact that this inhumane practice has been part of the human condition. Those who worked for its abolition deserve our admiration and gratitude.
However, demands for trillions of dollars in reparations to the descendants of those who suffered under slavery in America in not supportable. More on page two.
F you pay the whites that set your black$#%&!@*free from slavery you cockroache trash
How about a boat trip???
I owe them nothin…I didn’t fought in thst war…and I don’t owe slaves….so, just..go back to your corner, and reread your history….
Ever wonder why the IRISH, who also were enslaved, aren’t demanding all this money? Maybe because we’re glad to be here no matter the circumstances of how we got here!
I don’t owe you nothing ,you have already got welfare that we ta?s
You were never a slave
All We whites owe them is a swift kick in the a** and a ticket back to Africa.
Another lost affirmative action pass the class so he can graduate type of professor….your creds suck!
For a highly educated man you sure are a dumb$#%&!@*,why in the hell would I want to give you my hard earned dollars .I’ve never owned you my descendants never own your descendants ,maybe you should go and try to collect from your African descendants who sold your descendants into slavery. Let me know how that works out for you
Bull s**t