There’s a growing demand coming from the fringe — well, let’s hope it’s the fringe — demanding reparations for sufferings caused by slavery in America as well as for the sufferings, primarily of African-Americans, in the years since its abolition. It’s a radical idea that cannot be supported economically or ideologically.
Before going further, it must be stated emphatically that the practice of slavery is abhorrent. That it occurred in America is a stain on our history. That it occurred throughout the world for millennia, is a stain on humanity. No amount of words will remove the fact that this inhumane practice has been part of the human condition. Those who worked for its abolition deserve our admiration and gratitude.
However, demands for trillions of dollars in reparations to the descendants of those who suffered under slavery in America in not supportable. More on page two.
Good luck with that bull s**t
For what??????
And are you going to pay us for setting you butts free my grandpa’s lost his arm for your people
I owe him NOTHING!!
And we want all our welfare money back.
only those alive today who have owned slaves, and any claim should be reduced by how much welfare rent assistance and food stamps which have been collected.
not true since I don’t think there is any true black people left. Most are mixtures of many other types of people and racies. How can you trace this back? Then what about the blacks paying back the American Indians? Many blacks live on the lands taken from the American Indians and should give it back for free. If you use the same thoughts.
We don’t owe them a damn thing
Get s life!
Nope I owe them 0 I didn’t own slaves I grew up poor on a dairy farm we worked hard from dawn to dusk plus my forefathers fought and died in the Civil War so African Americans are now free They already get food stamps housing free medical etc etc I’m giving them nothing! They can get jobs and work like other I didn’t bring them here either I wasn’t even born yet so blame someone else!