In this modern society, where social issues reign supreme, ignorance has taken on a new voice. The debate over race and white supremacy has reached the point where the only people allowed to have an opinion on the matter are those who aren’t whites.
Lawrence Brown, an assistant professor in the Public Health Department at Morgan State University in Baltimore, is an activist who believes that African-Americans should receive reparations. He believes that America is segregated and that black people suffer from historical trauma brought on by white supremacy. In other words, he believes that modern white people are responsible for slavery.
It’s difficult to get into that argument and its falsehoods without writing several pages, but the argument can be summarized by these two questions:
What right do modern African-Americans have to claim offense at something they weren’t alive to be offended by?
Why should modern white people feel guilty for an act that they weren’t alive to commit?
You can’t atone for sins that you didn’t have anything to do with.
Read Lawrence Brown believes white people should do with their “unearned income” on the next page.
OK. I’ll start. My unearned wealth is $0. Better stick with welfare.
How stupid is this remark? Go to work and earn all your life and then hand over savings (if any) to the poor under privileged black people, we already paying for their benefit’s in our taxes!
We only just paid of national loan in 2015 for paying for each slaves freedom , that’s people alive today have paid this in their taxes. we are not responsible for slavery we weren’t alive then but we still paid off that debt ! Enough is enough I say !
Mine, too!
If this is what he’s teaching he needs to be fired.
I EARN my paycheck. Hands off lazy ass.
Reparations for the White! Pay back all the handouts now!
I wholeheartedly agree with this idea of yours.
Awesome idea Jon Ax
Damn Skippy
And just what cotton fields were you forced through slavery to pick? And was your master white or black. Yes Einstein of the total 3% of the population that owned slaves; many were free black slave owners, Maybe you should charge them twice as much.
Get a job and work for it like successful whites and blacks do.
I do not owe the black for anything the white ancestorshave done! As a matter of fact it was White Northerners who fought for & transported black in the underground railroad for your freedom.
You have just as many rights as white man. Go out and work for it. Not every white is sitting in a 200,000 to 400,000 dollar home with two cars and a pick up or an SUV in the driveway. We have poor white just like poor blacks.
Go get a job and work for your money.
You also have every opportunity to go to college to better yourself just like the whites.
I have two multiracial children, they get out and work. They earn their money. My son in law is black he has worked and worked his way up the ladder. You should do the same!
You need to have head examined. You are an old inspiration to your race.
Why don’t you start with teaching love an peace to your children instead of hate an revenge an stop the cycle. We all should not have to suffer for people we don’t even know an did not make the choices they made . Bad things happen the all people the difference here is you are choosing to keep the hate alive an how will that ever change the world in a good positive way.
and why is this guy not labeled a racist ignorant bigoted n****r?? fyi this is coming froma 100% native american, and this n****r wants to talk reparations, listen fucktard, native americans are owed reparations form blacks and whites and latinos, so before you demand or bitch you better hand over money to us first then we can talk about YOUR feeling
He should be fired for promoting racist teaching. He should be laughed out of public view. Alas, just another way to get something for free. No work involved like everyone else, just another handout only this time IT WILL NOT HAPPEN! YOU SIR ARE OUR OF YOUR MIND and a thief.
Lawrence Brown lost his mind. How many people started business way past apartheid? If you and your ancestors have never offended any group of people, then I would like to know about this. Dont throw stones if you dont have all the facts.