Brown believes that white people’s income is “unearned” because it’s based off a white supremacist society that steals from African-Americans. Because of this, he claims that white wealth should be deposited in black accounts.
In activist parlance, ‘white allies’ are the white liberal/leftists that come out at at some of these protests. This standing with black folk is apparently in his words being given too easily, and should not be given without this cost.
Unfortunately, it appears Morgan State, a public university funded primarily by tax payer dollars, has no problem with this man teaching students.
In more recent news, it turns out that Brown is actually being funded by white people. A record shows that the Open Society Institute-Baltimore gave him a $60,000 fellowship for working with a Headstart Program aimed at helping black men get jobs. Such contradictions.
We could make movies on this c**p! Oh! That’s right they already have plans of the apes several different ones! Get the hell out of here!
Get the rope!
well deposit our unearned wealth when all the black corrupt politicians in Africa give back their unearned wealth to their people! Mugabe, Idi Amin, Jacob Zuma etc etc etc
Affirmative Action fucked up my entire working life. My transgression, being white. Gimme money, lots a money.
Another worthless POS that thinks we owe them! NOT a penny!!
Lol The white liberals are the only ones stupid enough to actually assist lazy, arrogant, Self-righteous, sanctimonious, & Obviously Racist sociopaths such as yourself whom love to try & justify their own failures & inadequacies, in this life on Society rather than except the reality that they are guilty of attempting to impose the exact same prejudice & unwarranted punishment upon an innocent white society that he himself is accusing our white ancestors of opposing on the Black race!!!. We had no control over the injustices that occurred over 200 years ago? If they wanna punish those who began the entire Slave Trade they need to start by punishing the Islamic Empire??