Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the bakery renowned for standing for one’s religious beliefs, is refusing to pay the $135,000 fine levied by the Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian.
The gay couple who refused to take their wedding cake order elsewhere, filed suit against the Kleins, when their religious convictions about gay marriage hurt the feelings of Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer. Read more on page 2.
Some have a hard time to understand separation of church and state. Religion does not give you the right to violate the constitution.
Some have a hard time understanding the laws of God and the Constitution, because they’d rather not hear the truth. Sometimes, the truth is a hard pill to swallow.
You’ve taken this to a level wayyyy further than necessary or that I would ever even consider. You are way way off with your assumptions.
Stripping away all rights of business owners isn’t the answer either.
Crystal, that’s a stupid stance unless you are checking every marriage you make a cake for for sins. Divorce, virginity, etc.
Or is it OK to condone other sins?
Dumb argument. Get a better one.
I told you the way the law was set up in this country. That is all you need to know. There should be nothing else to debate. Drops the mic.
I feel the same way about interracial weddings too… don’t matter if they’re straight… if they aren’t white and straight… they don’t deserve cake.. but I’m not racist… it’s just how it’s supposed to be… right?
This should not happen to anyone.
No no no. Courage is having a voluntary sex change operation.
Old story
Lol. Precedent stands against you.
South Caroline vs Maurice’s Piggy Park 1968.
The supreme Court has long upheld anti discrimination laws.
Your religious liberty doesn’t include IMPOSING your religion on others.
Slams the mic down and shits on it