Residents in Jacksonville, Florida might soon get fined for backing their car up in their own driveway. Talk about micromanagement of citizens!
This ridiculous proposal that is currently pending before city council would make it illegal for residents to park their cars in a manner that doesn’t give the city the ability to read their license plate information.
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Jacksonville government has made a lot of really stupid decisions and almost all of them can be traced back to taking more money from you, rather than trying to live within a reasonable budget. This can probably be traced back to the Jaguars wanting more money for more video screens.
pretty soon they will rell us how to pee
what will they do if you park in a garage with the garage door closed, talk about a stupid law
How stupid
What an opportunity to take pictures of city politicians and any key members of society in case it happens to you….. oh, get a judge or two too.
Shut up slaves and continue to make the masters rich with all the tax money you pay!
thats jacksonville for you,
How Stupid Jacksonville politicians! Next you are going to pass a law that tells the citizens which way their lawn chairs must face in the backyard?
It’s all crazy. It’s just insanity.
Ban sharia law in the U.S.