Everybody makes mistakes. It’s apart of being human, and just like us, law enforcement agents are human. They make mistakes just like we do. The only thing one can do when they make a mistake, regardless of the severity of its consequences, is to apologize and do whatever is possible to make things right.
Yet, there are many cases where law enforcement doesn’t do that. They often blame the victim, leave recovery expenses unpaid for and in some cases even harass the victim.
You won’t believe the excuses made by the SWAT team who mutilated a baby’s face and chest.
they sure do the sorry trigger happy gun toting jerks there i said it nicely!!
Well if america could and would stop being slaves just following police commands and in stead disarmed and disbanded the police state things like this wouldnt happen but just like sheep following along you may never see the day
I can look at that baby and can tell that he is a deadly threat to heavily armored police with weapons. Look at the picture of the fearsome expression on the babies face, and it it obvious to me that he struck fear into the cowards’ hearts. I’m surprised the cops didn’t call for missile strike on the house in order to protect themselves from that baby. Just an everyday task for the SWAT guys.
I’m having a hard time with Truth and Action’s posts nowadays. Just sayin.
The militarization of your local PD
This will end badly. That family will be murdered one by one by the corrupt DA and LEOs. Just to save the “tax payers” and of course keep the police department from losing their SWAT team.
Just seems like all members of the law are out of control so the people need to get rid of all of these unlawful people and start defending theirselves,back to the old west ways!!!
Babies should be banned from owning or possessing automatic firearms!