A shocking new development has come up in the tragic case of several dead bald eagles found in a Maryland field.
Long a national symbol of the United States, the bald eagle saw it’s numbers dramatically decrease over decades, with experts worrying that the species would soon go extinct. Remarkably, we managed to turn things around for the proud bird of prey, with it finally being removed from the endangered species list back in 2007.
But an incident in Maryland has returned the eagle to the spotlight. After discovering 13 such eagles lying dead in a field, authorities initially concluded that all the birds died of disease. Upon closer inspection, however, they now believe that the cause of death was hardly natural.
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Zodiac killer on the loose
Zodiac killer he is Canadian
Zodiac killer did it!! he is Canadian
Zodiac killer did it!! he is Canadian
Johnson, you are a sick human. I bet growing up you buried cats all but their heads then ran over them with your dadie’s lawn mover…. “we hunters are the only conservationsists left” is a sick and narcissistic comment. if you seriously believe that, you are beyond help. You are SO ignorant to say this. You must have dropped out of school in the 2nd grade. You probably shot the eagles and feel good about it huh big boy? what a fucking$#%&!@*
Fact…someone is doing the killings out of hatred..
LMFAO everything you need to know about me really? I figured you’d need to adequately evaluate your opponent but ok whatever I guess you’re right, the president of the United States goes around killing eagles in his spare time
Find them and hang them
Obama must enjoy bald eagle soup with baby seal crackers!
Hah come’on man, I can’t stand the current administration but that ridiculous.
Noooo ya think? Its pretty damn obvious