A shocking new development has come up in the tragic case of several dead bald eagles found in a Maryland field.
Long a national symbol of the United States, the bald eagle saw it’s numbers dramatically decrease over decades, with experts worrying that the species would soon go extinct. Remarkably, we managed to turn things around for the proud bird of prey, with it finally being removed from the endangered species list back in 2007.
But an incident in Maryland has returned the eagle to the spotlight. After discovering 13 such eagles lying dead in a field, authorities initially concluded that all the birds died of disease. Upon closer inspection, however, they now believe that the cause of death was hardly natural.
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Jim Smith,if it wasn’t for hunter’s alot of species would have become extinct, we hunters are the only conservationists left.our billions of dollars support wildlife and their habitats.
Johnson you are a sick person. Ignorant as hell too. if it weren;t for you…. ha what a dumb ass!your the only ones who save the animals. HA! what a deprived stupid small dick bastard dumb ass you are. I suppose you were the one who shot all those eagles and that was a genius act of conservation. what a dick
When I was young I could shoot and kill bird’s squirrels without even thinking about it. Today I got a wood pecker destroying my house I put him in my sights and my heart said no. So I aimed low and shot my down spout to scare it off. Problem is most people have no heart they haven’t grown since they were children. If you can’t feel wrong you continue to do it.
Find out who did this and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law!!! These are more than just beautiful birds, they are a symbol of our country and are protected. Could it be the Muslims trying to destroy our morale or could it be the BLM under the direction of Dumbama and Sharpton. Please, please, find whoever and prosecute.
Javier, the answer is no. Or it doesn’t matter.
Why would you be so cruel.
Better investigate the federal government they are a bunch of crooks wolves in sheep’s clothes bilderbergs illuminati federal Reserve rothcilds un agenda freaks
Obama hates america he has to be behind this un agenda freak
Most likely killed by liberal hillary clinton supporters
If they find it was a human that caused their death…..hang the SOB!
Killing animals is bad. Get your meat at the store like Jim smith