A shocking new development has come up in the tragic case of several dead bald eagles found in a Maryland field.
Long a national symbol of the United States, the bald eagle saw it’s numbers dramatically decrease over decades, with experts worrying that the species would soon go extinct. Remarkably, we managed to turn things around for the proud bird of prey, with it finally being removed from the endangered species list back in 2007.
But an incident in Maryland has returned the eagle to the spotlight. After discovering 13 such eagles lying dead in a field, authorities initially concluded that all the birds died of disease. Upon closer inspection, however, they now believe that the cause of death was hardly natural.
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I’m from the South so trophy hunting is rare in my neck of the woods. It is sad and unfortunately boredom is probably the answer in this case because they just left the birds there to rot.
Its infuriating when it happens to any animal
Do you guys have any idea how stupid you guys sound sometimes
Poor bird
Jim Smith You are the one that opened up this can of worms. Condemning anothers life style, then taking great offence when you recieved the same in return. YOU need to learn to live your life and be happy and let others do the same.
This statement you made tells me everything I need to know about you.
Don’t like anyone that kills God’s creatures I always say these are people who would kill other people if they can get away with it that’s is why they kill animals they get away with it and killing our Bald Eagles I would love to give them the death penalty and have it done right away no waiting on death row
hurts my heart
Mark Wilkinson ,I’m not the one offended here.