A shocking new development has come up in the tragic case of several dead bald eagles found in a Maryland field.
Long a national symbol of the United States, the bald eagle saw it’s numbers dramatically decrease over decades, with experts worrying that the species would soon go extinct. Remarkably, we managed to turn things around for the proud bird of prey, with it finally being removed from the endangered species list back in 2007.
But an incident in Maryland has returned the eagle to the spotlight. After discovering 13 such eagles lying dead in a field, authorities initially concluded that all the birds died of disease. Upon closer inspection, however, they now believe that the cause of death was hardly natural.
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This was a clear sign that this country is doomed
Jim Smith Ya sure did!
You told me how to live my life and what I should hold sacred.
Payback is a mother fucker.
Yeah but bacon taste pretty good
Jim Smith, I would like to remind you that hunting for food with animals that are not endangered and utilizing every part of the animal is very different than killing just to be killing. The Bald Eagle is our national bird and was chosen because it is the only bird that will fly through a storm. The outrage is caused because this kind of killing is just killing. Not the same thing.
I was talking about Trophy hunting, which is why MOST animals are hunted in the first place. Or because some Stupid person Got bored!
That was obvious.
All life does not have the right to live. There are plenty of people and animals that deserve to be put down. But our country’s symbol is not one of them, just ask any true American.