The beautiful thing about America is that though its people have myriad differences between themselves and their neighbors, there is room for everybody to live the way they want to. So long as no one is hurt, citizens are free to operate and interact with others as they please. And of course, a big part of living is having a home to one’s liking.
Unfortunately, we have gone from the idea that a person’s home is their castle to the notion that one’s home is just another place for the government to stick its nose into. So not only are the possessions we keep in our houses subjected to their rule, but the very buildings we call home are as well.
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F**k you Mikey!
If i remember the story correctly. A man was building them with donated materials so they could have shelter when weather was brutal. Here is a perfect example f thug politics, Calif. is on its way to becoming another Detroit, Chicago. A place to stay, no welfare check, s.s.. Just a place to feel Human.
It’s California, enough said. Smh
What’s it got to do with Oprah?
Commiefornia? Nothing to see here people, move along.
Because your a gutless worthless puke to even ask that dumbass
So it’s better thst these homeless people use old cardboard bosex to seek refuge from the frigid temps & storms ?
You msake no sense & should have to live By your own laws
They gave the people a place to live and get out of the cold and for their safety if you didn’t want them there why not move them to a place they could live in.
A lot of bull here……idiots