Author: Barry Dillinger
The National Rifle Association (NRA) issued a statement last week regarding the sale and use of "bump fire stocks" by calling on the United States government to look into …
The last two times that the chance came up for Republicans in Congress to "repeal and replace" ObamaCare, three naysayers opted to bow out of support for that push: …
This article is for those who are 30 and younger and weren't alive, nor are they aware of a time, when Jane Fonda, Leftist actress, visited North Vietnam during …
The noose continues to tighten on both the Obama administration, the government's intelligence community and the Clintons. With the increasing amount of attention being paid to what is NOT …
You really have to feel bad for the Democrats. The Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) is setting them up for another big letdown in the form of allowing them …
John McCain has driven home one point over all others that has been a tipping point on whether or not he would be reelected (which he won't be, provided …
Hillary Clinton's book tour to pitch to an uninterested public the whiny "What the Hell Happened" has taken a little bit of turn to the West as she arrived …
You know how you can tell that MSNBC's "Morning Joe" is tanking? Just take a look at the antics that Democrat-Lite Joe Scarborough partakes in nowadays and it will …
There may be something brewing on the horizon that is perhaps even more dangerous than the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. In fact, it may even be more dangerous …
You and I might be quite ignorant of British politics. In fact, I might venture to say that nearly 100% of Americans are not in the very least interested …