In response to the recent shooting by Larry McQuilliams that targeted government buildings in Austin, Texas, Police Chief Art Acevedo is asking people in Austin community to turn into the police their friends and neighbors who ‘have any kind of propensity for hatred’, persons with ‘extreme views’ and who are “gun enthusiasts.”
So if you hate that your Republic has become tyrannical and you own a gun, you are in jeopardy of being turned into the cops in Austin, TX. And, mostly likely, if you live anywhere the country very soon you face the same threat as Marxism continues to flourish.
Thank God for the second amendment. He should retire and send his gun in
Shame on him. He sounds just like every other dictator around the world, past and present. Sorry bud. We don’t have thought police and freedom of speech is a constitutional right. As is being excited about owning guns. Last time I checked that was covered in the 2nd amendment. Perhaps you should take your communist agenda somewhere else.
That is what Commie bastards say snitch on your neighbors, chief investigate the crime and do your job!!!
Fire this communist now he is full of bull ! Also fire whomever hired him ! Drain the swamp and take out the dammed !!
No problem now that oburmba has gone or no longer President
Wow. Pretty sure this was common practice in$#%&!@*Germany, the Soviet Union and just about every socialist dictatorship in history. Getting scared, yet? You should be!!!
Pick me!
Who isn’t angry right now! Our Country is out of control. We have illegal aliens some who are criminals (and before you get upset I said SOME ARE CRIMINALS), We have Muslims coming in who hate us and want to turn this Country into a Muslim Country, not to mention they have the morals of a alley cat, and they find nothing wrong with raping not only women but children too. Then of course we have to deal with the good old American criminals. Who isn’t angry and scared! I know people who I never would of thought would buy guns but they are now. We are the next Europe (if your head is in a hole and you are holding your fingers in your ears) many Countries are over there are being taken over by radical Muslims. Yes I said radical, who else would go to a country which welcomed you and you show your appreciation by raping, rioting and chasing people out of their towns. Then you demand Sharia law. Add to that our own Government is allowing it to happen here. Are you scared and nervous yet? Or are you one of the citizens who think it can’t happen here. And now police want citizens to turn in anyone they deem angry along with their guns so they have no protection. Does anyone see something seriously wrong with this. Now we have to worry about police deciding whether you are to angry to own your gun. Our Government is no longer our friend. I can only hope President Trump can change things because my Country is starting to resemble a Socialist Country thanks to the former Socialist Democrat President and his hateful Liberals politicians.
Last I checked you can be upset with the government and legally own a gun under our constitution so what would they be turning in?
Turn that badge in ! Your a political pawn & u know it. No Balls !!!