In response to the recent shooting by Larry McQuilliams that targeted government buildings in Austin, Texas, Police Chief Art Acevedo is asking people in Austin community to turn into the police their friends and neighbors who ‘have any kind of propensity for hatred’, persons with ‘extreme views’ and who are “gun enthusiasts.”
So if you hate that your Republic has become tyrannical and you own a gun, you are in jeopardy of being turned into the cops in Austin, TX. And, mostly likely, if you live anywhere the country very soon you face the same threat as Marxism continues to flourish.
yeah that ell go dwn real good in any state !!!! molan aabe !!!!!
Arrest this POS! We the people are suspenseful to be in charge of the Government not the other way around, remove POs from office Before he kills some one or cause someone to get killed
Just another “Brown Shirt” in Texas. Come on people. This idiot has no place being in that position. This is NOT$#%&!@*Germany. Throw him out of office!!
Why is it ok for Liberals to spew their hate and insanity, but not ok for everyday Americans to express themselves without consequences. We are being taken over from within. We MUST get our government to ACT!
That’s everyone Dumb$#%&!@*democrat
Thats some serious b******t
Scumbag Oath Breakers should be HUNG for Violating their Oath.
Ahhh, Austin! The liberal bastion of ignorance!
How about you eat my fat fucking white c**k