In response to the recent shooting by Larry McQuilliams that targeted government buildings in Austin, Texas, Police Chief Art Acevedo is asking people in Austin community to turn into the police their friends and neighbors who ‘have any kind of propensity for hatred’, persons with ‘extreme views’ and who are “gun enthusiasts.”
So if you hate that your Republic has become tyrannical and you own a gun, you are in jeopardy of being turned into the cops in Austin, TX. And, mostly likely, if you live anywhere the country very soon you face the same threat as Marxism continues to flourish.
Fire his ass
The cpuntry was screwedo.g befkre obummer. They nust meep adi.g foder to the flames for greater dramatization. There are you can do. But if you don’t study, don’t count on any help.
keep putting these idiots on those positions. there is a trend of liberals, hispanics and others certain class of people that have a tendency of trying to be the ones always right even after their agendas are proven wrong.
Your Fired!
Bureaucrats with badges are threats to society.
Wrong get out and do your job properly instead of turning people against people. It is ok to have a different opinion. Quit trying to take away our first and second amendment rights
Makes no sense. This same asswipe would ask the same person for donations to police. The same police that would come take your gun? Those same people in Austin needs to vote out every one mayor down to dog catcher.
Who do turn traitors into for trying to harm our country and what are the results when we do?
Austin asswipe!