This month several videos have surfaced of massive military trains stretching out ‘as far as the eye can see’ in South Carolina, Oregon, California, Idaho, Georgia and one of unknown location.
We also have a rather odd sighting of a ‘Mass Casualty’ bus spotted in Louisiana, just outside Baton Rouge.
See Videos Next Page:
where in Oregon- didn’t think it had reached here
Bernie Sanders is immune to tanks and a.p.c.s. We better vote for him if we want to stop these things!
This is costing DOD billions. Why?
Preparing for what here?
Their sending these to the Mexican border !
Looks like a lot of equipment being pre-staged?
Obama vacations often, while his minions carry out his dirty work! Tee it up jacka$$!!!
The picture I see is of Marine LAVs on a train guess what, they are either going to or coming from 29 Palms for training, That’s how Marines from the east coast get they’re gear to the base there. And the Marines won’t turn on the American people the Corps HATES! Obama
It’s sad to have the Isis in the White House running the show
Come on now -.These are our “heroes” – you know – the ones you always “thank for all they do” without actually bothering to think what that even means. Now you turn on them? Maybe you understand that they don’t do Jack$#%&!@* “for you”. They just take orders because that’s what they’re PAID to do. Like any good mercenaries. Not so afraid now of all those scary ISIS people who are “coming here to take our freedoms”? You know, those same scary ISIS people from which your former “heroes” were protecting you?