These must be incredibly trying times for anyone in law enforcement. They are certainly difficult times for us to watch.
If it isn’t bad enough that rioters and looters are destroying cities such as Charlotte, North Carolina, those who commit those crimes can expect the attorney general to spin the events to the point where they are almost given a pass. When violence is tolerated or explained away as “free speech,” expect more violence. This does not require a law degree to figure out.
We’ll refer you on the next page to an excerpt from a recent speech given by U. S. Attorney General Lynch. In a manner typical of the Obama administration, she finds a way to praise “peaceful protesters” in the middle of a riot. She speaks of needing to hear “voices of change” while mobs are looting stores and turning communities into war zones.
Her message really consists of cheerleading the stoking of racial tensions while winking at the violence being committed.
If you can stand 52 seconds of nonsense, we’ve got the clip ready for your viewing.
This bitxh is freaking retarded
This$#%&!@*is such a muslim puppet. I’ll be SO GLAD IN JAN.WHEN SHE’S GONE!
Rioters are peaceful,am I missing something?She’s just another racist puppet.
Dumb$#%&!@*retard !
Loretta, you dumb$#%&!@* Define Rioter then define Peaceful . It appears that you have a problem with comprehension .
Well let’s let them do it in your neighborhood sweetie pie you piece of c**p
Nikole Lepowsky-Church you do realize they’re protesting a Democratic process as old as America right . They do not have that right when 75% of rioters didn’t even vote . You do also realize that when they blocked traffic resulting in a young father dying because it took 45 minutes for ems to get him to hospital that his 4 year old daughter isn’t going to think that them protesting our president elect is a valid reason to kill her father . I think you people who think they were right should look this child in the eyes and tell her they had a good reason for committing manslaughter because that is what they did by blocking traffic . Plus explain that George Soros paid most of these rioters to indirectly kill her father . I bet she’ll understand . She’ll understand that you all are spoilt brats and fucking hipocrits and hate and attack anything or anyone that doesn’t agree or fit what you want
It appears that the Muslims in Obama’s administration have a lot of problems understanding and accepting appropriate and inappropriate constitutional behavior exhibited by rioters. They continue to put American citizens at risk by their lack of knowledge and understanding. Glad she will be out of a job in six weeks.
I’m not buying your b******t.