The Obama administration not only wants to hit us over the head with a hammer, it wants us the buy the hammer. One of the president’s fondest hopes is to disarm America, and he was willing to ignore the will of the American people and circumvent the Congress in order to put into place policies and programs to do just that. He continues to insist that more laws and more bureaucracy will solve the problem and make us safer, which typically means more expense and more complications for law-abiding citizens to purchase a weapon.
Obama also hires toadies such as Eric Holder, and now, Loretta Lynch, who are more than happy to support rioting Black Lives Matters thugs, but who want to prosecute police who are trying to maintain order and citizens who are trying to protect their own lives. It is a set of priorities that is impossible to understand. These attorneys general are also truth challenged, and will bend the facts until they are wholly unrecognizable.
Another day, another tax, page 2:
Wow. Nothing seems to shock me anymore.
I’m sorry I never cared before. But why are most of the craziest people and the cry babies black. Now here comes the hate.
Attorney General Needs To Be Charged With Treason On American Soil !
Obama and all he’s people who picked they all are bunch criminals.this country was build all by white people come from since all they live took from the walfere system by lying and cheating and now they want all .you people who vote for this virmen pariah called Obama should be shamed.because you are bunch idiots instead thinking with your heads you are thinking with your butt’s or they are bunch lazy asses taking our tax money and asking for more
You’re absolutely right, Jamie Brewer .Its coming down They read Facebook and taking notes and names GOVT has control of every aspect of our lives Won’t be long till we see the shtf .Are you ready????
Traitors, the whole lot of them
No$#%&!@*now go away
She’s just a short fat Fanny
Wendie Pate kinda.mentally anyway. I wish I was back home in Tennessee though. Folks will have better chance up in the mountains than here outside of Seattle.
Mercedes Harrington Semper Fi Marine!! I was Army, Armored Cav, but seems like all my friends these days are :-). Keep your powder dry friend.. action is getting danger close.