The Obama administration not only wants to hit us over the head with a hammer, it wants us the buy the hammer. One of the president’s fondest hopes is to disarm America, and he was willing to ignore the will of the American people and circumvent the Congress in order to put into place policies and programs to do just that. He continues to insist that more laws and more bureaucracy will solve the problem and make us safer, which typically means more expense and more complications for law-abiding citizens to purchase a weapon.
Obama also hires toadies such as Eric Holder, and now, Loretta Lynch, who are more than happy to support rioting Black Lives Matters thugs, but who want to prosecute police who are trying to maintain order and citizens who are trying to protect their own lives. It is a set of priorities that is impossible to understand. These attorneys general are also truth challenged, and will bend the facts until they are wholly unrecognizable.
Another day, another tax, page 2:
No one can change our Constitution!! She needs to learn that!!!
What you need is a foot up your a$$ you Liberal Ignorant POS !!
I demand we get rid of this idot before he gets us all killed this year, I told you all watch out it was going to get worse he wasn’t done yet
demand isnt that what the muslims do? demand demand demand!
Can we not just try the lot of them and get the traitors out of our government and into the ground where theey belong already? Enough is enough.
I could use a few more guns and 10000 rounds !!!
How can we stop this perverse woman? Our Constitution is very precious and the only rule of law we should be governed by!
treasonous and fraud
Agree 100% ! I have some hidden and unregistered !!! Buy and keep arms America ; the second amendment was for we the people to defend against all enemies foreign or domestic !!!!