The Obama administration not only wants to hit us over the head with a hammer, it wants us the buy the hammer. One of the president’s fondest hopes is to disarm America, and he was willing to ignore the will of the American people and circumvent the Congress in order to put into place policies and programs to do just that. He continues to insist that more laws and more bureaucracy will solve the problem and make us safer, which typically means more expense and more complications for law-abiding citizens to purchase a weapon.
Obama also hires toadies such as Eric Holder, and now, Loretta Lynch, who are more than happy to support rioting Black Lives Matters thugs, but who want to prosecute police who are trying to maintain order and citizens who are trying to protect their own lives. It is a set of priorities that is impossible to understand. These attorneys general are also truth challenged, and will bend the facts until they are wholly unrecognizable.
Another day, another tax, page 2:
Tell your story more and try to get him to tell the media !
Stupid shenigger..$#%&!@*her and the f*g in the whitehouse
Okay I will work on that
and we thouight HOLDER was bad ,,what a joke
Well I guess to pay that 80 mil that$#%&!@*better get a second job and a home morgage huh
Get that unqualified Racist goof ball out of country .She is no more than a Race baiting terrorist herself .She is a danger to our freedom.
Reminds me of a tin horned dictator that supports partial birth abortion.
That$#%&!@*done went and lost her mind someone get the straight jacket.
If Congress give her any money they should lose their jobs.
F**K HER IN THE$#%&!@*..