Taxing Till It Hurts
One of the features of Obama’s gun-control program, and make no mistake, he is just getting warmed up with new proposals, is background checks. Background checks are almost universal for purchasing a gun today, but to hear Obama tell it, weapons are flying off the shelf and over the internet with nary a question asked of the buyer.
That is just not the case. His plan is simple enough, he doesn’t need to actually ban guns if he makes the background check criteria almost impossible to pass. For example, countless numbers of Social Security beneficiaries are now prevented from purchasing a weapon if they have trouble managing their own finances.
Nothing to do with being a threat to others or themselves, it is just one way to carve out a segment of society that no longer has their second amendment rights. That type of irrational rule making can be extended, particularly if there are new “gate-keepers” standing in the way of access. But that takes money, and Obama has a plan for that.
The price tag for implementing President Obama’s executive gun controls is $80 million, Attorney General Loretta Lynch declared during her January 20 testimony before the Senate Appropriations subcommittee.
Lynch said the administration will begin pushing for the money in Obama’s 2017 budget request, due next month, according to ABC News.
In addition to expanding background checks, putting new requirements on federally licensed gun dealers, and co-opting a ban on gun ownership for some Social Security beneficiaries, Obama’s executive gun controls include the hiring of “more than 230 additional examiners and other staff to help process…background checks.”
Lynch tried to sell the gun-control plan to the subcommittee by claiming that a “glitch” in the background-check system allowed Dylann Roof to buy the gun he used to kill nine people in June 2015 at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Charleston, S.C.
But this claim runs counter to a statement from FBI Director James Comey. Roof obtained his gun, not because of a problem with background check system, but because of a clerical error made by one of the FBI reviewers who was carrying out Roof’s background check, Comey said.
Obama has less than a year to inflict further damage on the law-abiding citizens of this nation, but he has vowed he will make this year one of his most active. It is clear that he will ignore Congress and act primarily through lawless executive actions, aided and abetted by his attorney general.
Of course he has offered nothing substantive as far as how he will protect the people of this nation from Muslim terrorism as exhibited recently in San Bernardino, and he is seeking ways to expand the waves of Muslim immigrants from the Middle East with little or no oversight.
If he were really interested in stopping gun violence, he would redirect the background check program to Muslim refugees coming into our country so we could tell if they belong to jihadi cells. He is absolutely against anything like that. But Obama promised to transform this nation, and in that he is proceeding apace. Let’s hope we can hold on until the changing of the guard.
She needs lynched her self .
And yet here is another crackpot we need to clear out everywhere and put people in they’re actually going to think about the American people it is time to do this we can’t let it get any worse than it is
Another example of crazy America really take a look around look what is happened to our country look what we’re bringing into our country do you really think any of them care about the welfare you for your children now you have to get real your gut is telling you no they don’t we need to the night plain and simple and stand I believe in the American dream I believe people can unite once again god bless america .
i have had enough of all this b******t. Get the fucking muslims out of this country and arrest the obama administration for treason now.
Who the hell is she to demand anything ? Do your damn job and follow the law.
We and this country cannot wait until the end of this year!!!!! We have to stop them NOW!!!!!
Pure evil in the white house.
The A G is a Muslim goat humper
Demand this stupid idiot step down! She is a traitor to the American citizens and is not smart enough to do the job!
Loreta Leech, you would not be attorney general if we have a real president!!