Multiculturalism has been the standard at which liberals have worshiped over the last twenty or thirty years, in part because it sounded so sophisticated and empathetic to rise above crass nationalism and become a “world citizen.” But liberals and elites rarely work down in the trenches, and so reality is not a commodity that they deal in. But the stark facts of dealing with Muslim migrants from the Middle East and North Africa are becoming overwhelming for the Western European citizens who actually have to deal with these incoming populations, and the reality is not pretty.
It turns out that the “culture” these refugees bring with them is aggressive, demanding, misogynistic, and dangerous. While the elites will not see this dark underside of the immigrant problem, the common people in the various western countries who have opened their doors to these foreigners will have to deal with lawlessness, rudeness, and danger for years to come. It is simply a clash of cultures, and the incoming hordes seem unwilling to show any gratitude or even any recognition for the opportunity they have been handed.
A social worker laboring in an immigrant asylum center in Hamburg has provided an insight into what it is like to deal with these migrants, and it is a story that demands a response. The worker indicates that she will soon be quitting her job because it has become too stressful and dangerous for her to continue.
Read story of asylum worker on page 2:
1400 yrs of inbreeding has produced a violent, barbaric, unreasonable society, they should never have been allowed into western civilizations…the UN and globalist are using them to destroy individual country sovereignty
Give them all a pair of bleached tight pants and send them home$#%&!@*this$#%&!@*
The globalist elites are bringing them in because they know its going to lead to global civil war.
shut up, I kill you. Boom.
Time to get the sorry s.o.b.out of the united states
Entitlement is a disease
Their my frends,they needed somewhere to go,,,and the answer was here,I told you we have money,means and security,Don’t pick on them,all they wanted was a life,,,
What’s the surprise? Oh, you people haven’t bothered to research the Quran, the Muslim Holy Book that gives instructions on$#%&!@*and behead infidels so you believe this government “radicalized” c**p? Wake up, idiots, before it’s YOUR neck on the block.