Muslims Demand Own Laws
While this situation is quickly developing in Western Europe and the United States, it was demonstrated with special clarity in events highlighted in some Australian schools recently. The Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir declared that;
Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are part of an oppressive campaign by Australian authorities of “forced assimilation” of the Muslim community, a conference heard this morning.
Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar told the conference the Australian government “claims to afford freedom, but seeks to impose values and beliefs” on Muslims.
Muslims were expected to not just be gracious about Australian values, but publicly promote them, Mr Badar said.
This imposition of secular western values was reflected in the oath when taking out citizenship, Mr Badar said, with new citizens required to pledge allegiance to Australia “whose democratic beliefs I share”.
“It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values,” Mr Badar told the conference.
Similarly, Mr Badar said, schoolchildren were required to sing the national anthem, which he said, “reflects a disputed view of history”. “If you don’t share those values, why should they be forced to sing it?” Mr Badar said.
The comments follow a backlash from many politicians and commentators to news last week that the principal of a Victorian primary school had excused Muslim students from singing Advance Australia Fair.
Mr Badar said the campaign by government and agencies against radicalization was actually a smokescreen to “make Muslims less Islamic”.
“It is nothing less than forced assimilation … sought to be justified by exaggerated fear of a security threat,” he said.
Such arrogance is stunning and absolutely unacceptable. Immigrants unwilling to recognize and support the laws and standards of the host country, including the primacy of national law, should be shown the door or prohibited from entry. Especially when considering that Islam has brought death and destruction to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, over the last several years, the idea that Islam and Sharia law should be recognized at all is absolute madness.
Let these complainers go live a happy, Sharia based life in their home countries where they can look to Allah as the supreme law giver, but we should not give deference to immigrant Muslims who are merely guests. Their home country would never consider even a small measure of autonomy and respect for Christianity or Judaism. Then why should immigrant Muslims dream that they should import and be subject to Sharia when living in the West?
And Western leaders who sanction such nonsense should make a visit to Saudi Arabia and see how the system works there. Perhaps they would come to their senses and show some leadership rather than buckling to the rantings of an unhinged group like Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Muslim pos and scum bag and killary as well
Is this picture real ?
He continued: “We have the highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants.
“Everyone who comes gets an allowance of 200 Kroner (£20) a week and free housing, and who pays for that? Us, taxpayers.”
Send these people back to their countries , and now , you have your own country and it isn’t here in the U.S.A. From the hankies.
Shows it all
So wrong for an American President, the people who voted for this man should be hanging their heads in shame!!!!
Dear Muslim emigrants….. If freedom offends you, the American flag offends you, if any other religion offends you, then don’t come here. We love having our freedom, we love Pork, we love our flag, we will believe in what we choose to believe in no matter if you like it or not. Our Country!!! Not yours!!!
This was just the begining
I know Sally, this is horrible.