The standoff at the Oregon Wildlife refuge was a huge poke in the eye to the federal government, and they are determined to exact their pound of flesh, and more. The retribution began when federal agents set up a road block and forced one of the key rancher spokesmen out of his truck and then murdered him in cold blood as he tried to heave through the deep snow bank. Next was arresting Cliven Bundy, who had proven to be a thorn in their side back in 2014 when there was previous standoff at his ranch in Nevada.
The feds, however, need to have a massive show of strength to put down the rebellion once and for all. There is deep anger and mistrust among the westerners who see the federal government gobbling up the western territory where Washington owns 51 percent of all the land in eleven western states. In fact, Barack Obama just today declared an additional two million acres in California to be federal reserve land, off limits to the citizens of the United States.
With that type of outrageous land grab, they are looking to definitively pull the teeth of the budding insurrection. So it appears that they will be rounding up anyone and everyone that they consider to be a threat.
See who is being arrested, page 2:
DeWitt, yeah a lot of people like yourself misinterpret that line. Luckily, there is 200 years of jurisprudence that disagrees with your interpretation.
Ray Andrews so you are of the school as long as those with titles esquire have twisted the definition then they must be right and those who understand English must be wrong. I understand where you are coming from 200 years of progressive corruption can’t be wrong.
DeWitt, over 100 people were arrested in Ferguson for their actions.
About land ownership, I’d rather see the Federal government manage it then have it go to private corporations who will destroy it like they do everything else. The states can’t afford to manage the land even if it did go to their control. One good fire season and those states would be bankrupt.
The land managed by the Federal government is in trust for ALL U.S. citizens to use and enjoy.
Lol if you cant appreciate the irony of all this you must be dense.
Ray Andrews you are so right, it is better to report to yoru central command government and letthem mismanage the land by selling Uranium rights to the Russians than for hte states to control the land. They cannot afford it becasue the Federal gvoernemnt drains the money off the country and out ofthe coffers of the citizens. But taht is ok with you and your natioanl socialist party centralized government regulators.
If they had a case why didnt they take it to court?
Lmfao take it to court
The court systems fail anyone
When there’s big money in play
End of story
Derek Smith
U need to get a clue
Jonathan Cates
You’ve got to be kidding me
Who shot who
Dam man
You dummer then a box of rocks
When ever there is those in power
That can take away our freedoms by nullifying our constitutional rights
There will always be problems
And I think you all better become aware
The choice is yours