While the CDC and WHO continue to state that Ebola is only transmittable by contact, an Army handbook warns that in certain circumstances an airborne Ebola can exist. The manual is published by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, or USAMRID, and is titled “USAMRID’s Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook.” Click the link below for more information:
Yea! I’m starting to believe it is airborn too.
Wonder what they are spraying in the skies?
It seems that the Army knows more about Ebola transmission than the jokers at the CDC do. Go figure. The jackass in charge at the CDC only has one victory under his belt, and that was banning Big Gulps. Dumbasses.
People are such a joke,being sucked in to this Ebola B.S. I can’t stop laughing,life a joke and you are the punch line.being led into fear like sheep,quite watching all theme movies,you being led like sheep to the slaughter house.
Dana Mathiews, put up or shut up. You go care for those patients without proper coverage.
Ebola can only be airborne if “droplets” are created after someone sneezing. If that does happen then the virus can stay in the air anywhere from 6-8 hrs. However, droplets are more likely to be created from somebody with the flu rather than Ebola. The flu is more dangerous right now that Ebola. Also, americA needs to stop freaking out, it’s all scare tactics by the government. Do us all a favor and go educate yourself on virus’s and deadly pathogens rather than believing everything you see and hear on facebook and the news. In the end, it doesn’t really matter.
Dana, This is not a joke You can go volunteer to go over there and let us know what you learn
We have a greater threat to our lives by obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and alcoholism than Ebola, but most people are afraid of something to which they will never be exposed.
One more reason to DISTRUST our President – and his stooges.
THOUSANDS of U.S. troops in NO danger. sarc.