While the CDC and WHO continue to state that Ebola is only transmittable by contact, an Army handbook warns that in certain circumstances an airborne Ebola can exist. The manual is published by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, or USAMRID, and is titled “USAMRID’s Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook.” Click the link below for more information:
Uh yeah, CDC helped Army develop the Air-born strain in the 80’s, against UN urging!
As an ex-Army Veteran Combat Medic & Instructor I have said this all along!!!!!
WHO did say it was airborne
see we know it is airborne and the idiots in chief and cdc say its a jayvee thing and no problemo
Take time to read this
It is more dangerous than we are told.
We are Sheep being lead to slaughter by Ovomit the Judas Goat
CHECK OUT THIS LINK ON EBOLA…canbeweird.com/?p=2266
Why didn’t someone go to USAMRID immediately? They have been handling Hot Agents for years, including Ebola.