According to Army Times, our Army is now concentrating on fighting in ‘megacities’ of 20 million or more people against “criminal and extremist groups” who can “influence the lives of the population while undermining the authority of the state.”
“It is inevitable that at some point the United States Army will be asked to operate in a megacity and currently the Army is ill-prepared to do so,” reported Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno’s Strategic Studies Group.
The military isn’t allowed to serve as police on American soil, but once the jihadists Obama has been bringing into the U.S. via our open border commits serious acts of terror, expect that to be thrown out the window as America has already been declared a ‘battlefield’ per S.1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Most self reliant “sovereign citizens” I would argue do not live in megacities.
Not sovereign citizens. Remember- DHS sees them as terrorists.
‘People of differing ideology.’
If you add all the Sheriff’s and their departments, all the oathkeepers, all the veterans, all the bikers and all the Patriots of this nation, you come up with about 100 million that will stand as WE THE PEOPLE. Bo is planning on that emergency event that will cause him to declare his authority to take control of our freedom.
Monty123 says:
“Where are these Christian terrorists and what have they attacked? The SPLC is quick to label extremists as: those that believe in the constitution, gun owners, fiscal conservatives, Ron Paul supporters, Tea Party supporters, Christians, etc…
Notice the SPLC just can’t seem to find any left leaning organizations as being potential extremists.”
Nicki says:
“Sure you can, Mber, you WUSS!”
If they want WAR they will have it
well gee, shouldn’t they start in washington, dc, and start with 1600 pennsylvania avenue
I was trained very well 30 years ago we trained to fight in ask climates, and ask topography, it’s normal