According to Army Times, our Army is now concentrating on fighting in ‘megacities’ of 20 million or more people against “criminal and extremist groups” who can “influence the lives of the population while undermining the authority of the state.”
“It is inevitable that at some point the United States Army will be asked to operate in a megacity and currently the Army is ill-prepared to do so,” reported Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno’s Strategic Studies Group.
The military isn’t allowed to serve as police on American soil, but once the jihadists Obama has been bringing into the U.S. via our open border commits serious acts of terror, expect that to be thrown out the window as America has already been declared a ‘battlefield’ per S.1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
we all know what needs to be done so stop being soooooooo scared and do what is right
Okay Brian Banks, just what does the average citizen do? Can’t shoot em or drown em or put em on a boat back to there own land.
Sure you can, Mber, you WUSS!
They should prepare for that type of battle. It’s the worst kind to fight.. All the advantage goes to the defender and the ones with the lowest tech…
If I were America’s enemy. My best strategy would be to draw the U.S. Into a street by street , house by house slugfest… Mount up a few thousand deaths and America instantly loses its taste for a fight.. The media would win the rest of the battle for you.
Where does this c**p come from? What cities? When? Not even Fox covering but here it is on facebook! Ridiculous!
Way to go Obama, the 1st place they should hunt is the White House
Welcome to the club boys!!! The citizens have already began prepping.
jo says:
“Yes you are right….There are no MODERNATE Muslims lol”
No one has invited Muslim extremists into the country. There are many more domestic terrorism groups (mostly Christian) than most people are aware of. My fear is that, when they start sending the military after our home-grown terrorists they will not care who they sweep up with them. The was the police are acting now is most worrisome as they seem to be killing and beating people for no real reason.
Where are these Christian terrorists and what have they attacked? The SPLC is quick to label extremists as: those that believe in the constitution, gun owners, fiscal conservatives, Ron Paul supporters, Tea Party supporters, Christians, etc…
Notice the SPLC just can’t seem to find any left leaning organizations as being potential extremists.