According to Army Times, our Army is now concentrating on fighting in ‘megacities’ of 20 million or more people against “criminal and extremist groups” who can “influence the lives of the population while undermining the authority of the state.”
“It is inevitable that at some point the United States Army will be asked to operate in a megacity and currently the Army is ill-prepared to do so,” reported Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno’s Strategic Studies Group.
The military isn’t allowed to serve as police on American soil, but once the jihadists Obama has been bringing into the U.S. via our open border commits serious acts of terror, expect that to be thrown out the window as America has already been declared a ‘battlefield’ per S.1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
i am hoping they start in washington
They can prep all they want… wont mean diddly squat when the people who live in them know how to react where everything is. Idiots. If they kill any one then they are murderers and deserve to be gutted from neck to groin.
Well they need to take the President into custody! He has violated the RICO act and financed terrorists!
If you know anything about the military we are brothers and there may be some the fire upon their own people but two thirds of them wOn’t we are tired of the government and what they are pulling this has gone too far now we want the country and Constitution that we fought for and died for and will take nothing less
Whoever thought the day would come that there would be so much talk of the American citizens fighting against our own military ? This is the type of leadership we have people . Wake the hell up of perish .
I hope you are right !
Geeeee… I wonder??????
They warn us ISIS is coming well they have an invitation and open borders. If the war on terror were real the borders would have been secured 13 years ago. Instead they spy on us the real “threat” to their positions of power. What is happening is the setting up of the kingdom of the beast prophesied in the bible. Govt.s being toppled and Christian killers installed, trained, funded by the U.S. Henry Kissinger said Obama was primed to lead the new world order.
These guys are OUR Army! They took an oath to support the Constitution. NOT the Nazi regime in Washington!