According to Army Times, our Army is now concentrating on fighting in ‘megacities’ of 20 million or more people against “criminal and extremist groups” who can “influence the lives of the population while undermining the authority of the state.”
“It is inevitable that at some point the United States Army will be asked to operate in a megacity and currently the Army is ill-prepared to do so,” reported Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno’s Strategic Studies Group.
The military isn’t allowed to serve as police on American soil, but once the jihadists Obama has been bringing into the U.S. via our open border commits serious acts of terror, expect that to be thrown out the window as America has already been declared a ‘battlefield’ per S.1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
I love ESP.
Define “criminals and extremist”….?
Fu ck all this its time we the people change the government its time to go back to some common sense put somebody in there that knows what they’re doing first off Rock Obama never served his country in the military why is he even President I think that in order to be President you should have to have served in the military in this country this is a free nation yes I agree but if you don’t have military experience and how can you be commander chief second off foreign policy should be decided by Council and apparently our Congress can’t do that due to the fact that we have political agendas in their own agendas will of the people it’s time we the people take this country back and put it where it supposed to be follow the Constitution of the United States all these laws that have been made against the Constitution abolish them take control of our own country again justice is justice its not time to bend the rules of justice it’s time to enforce them what the biggest problems we have is we elect people that don’t know how to follow the rule justice too many laws regulations let’s get back to simple and common sense.
Yes, now we need look it what frequence normal, because the “Obama’s Muslim, will go on to the URBANS WARRIOR in the TERROR, the criminals neigbours, Obam’s new CREATION, Keep Caution Barack the Creature go against the Creator everitimes…
Today I Will in to the police station and ask to get a card saying I am not a domestic terrorist because I believe the terrorists are in America
Gonna get bloody, but I’ve read the Book. We Win ! ! !
I have legal residency in America. I should have a right to kill terrorists as well
Tell them to start at the White House there is a Muslim living there trying to destroy our country.
Douglas — WE really need to look at the “gonna get bloody” very seriously first buddy !!!
The race is not to the swift or the strong, but to they who endure to the end’