It was almost a year ago that we began reporting on the U.S. Army hiring illegal immigrants into their ranks while simultaneously firing tens of thousands of soldiers who are legal citizens.
We surmised with that first report that Obama would step up the recruitment of illegals and now The Hill is reporting that this process has begun…in earnest.
The americans wont have a problem killing obamas illegals
Send them back to fight the catels!!!!
Theyre no comrades of mine and will not be treated as my equal.
This illegal army will face 20 million snipers. Sleep easy illegals.
Look up your history this has gone on since the first. WW. Hello
Obama is not an American, Obama is our number one enemy.
There are Americans who want to enlist and they wont help them but hey lets get immagrints who dont speak a word of English and put them in comabt and when they get someone killed, its gonna be a c**p storm
these arent soliders they are thugs for the nwo