It was almost a year ago that we began reporting on the U.S. Army hiring illegal immigrants into their ranks while simultaneously firing tens of thousands of soldiers who are legal citizens.
We surmised with that first report that Obama would step up the recruitment of illegals and now The Hill is reporting that this process has begun…in earnest.
He knows they will turn on the American people when the revolution takes place!
I want to know where did they get those Tee Shirts. Our Gov’t must think we are really, really stupid. This Obama and his ilk are trying their best to bring down America. SEND THEM BACK, we cannot afford them , and they have NO RIGHTS HERE. PERIOD.
Time to bring our military home & defend Our Country against those who are threatening us here!
I’m afraid by the time he gets through there won’t be much to speak of of our real Military and we’ll be fighting this one on our own and the ex Soldiers will be fighting along side us as Civilians.
Firing American Citizens and hiring Illegals, makes a lot of since. Now if it’s illegals performing Jade Helm and not real Soliers we do have something to worry about.
Just say NO
Well he said he would have his private army. Now he has it with muslims and illegals cause they WILL SHOOT AMERICANS. AND WILL FOLLOW HIS ORDERS!
No! That has to be illegal! Damn president!