It was almost a year ago that we began reporting on the U.S. Army hiring illegal immigrants into their ranks while simultaneously firing tens of thousands of soldiers who are legal citizens.
We surmised with that first report that Obama would step up the recruitment of illegals and now The Hill is reporting that this process has begun…in earnest.
Emerald, you are absolutely right, this is done to dumb down our forces, and create an atmosphere in wich they would have no problem firing on U.S. citizens, this action must be stopped…….God, please help us!!!!!
I guess when they try to seize our weapons, that will be when we’ll get rid of them.
Obama’s amnesty does NOT make them Citizens. The Cons$#%&!@*ution states this clearly!!
This is something that should never have happened, this is Obama’s way or having a his own malitia. WE NEED TO WATCH THIS MORE CLOSELY.
It is time to stop this BS.
Unlawful acts, but if they are being used instead of legals then it is one way to get rid of the illegals. Planned Genocide maybe on some ones watch ?
Obama wants them to go against the American people. Martial Law
this is just plain damd wrong and i want to know why congress is letting it happen
How about idiots running the country.