It was almost a year ago that we began reporting on the U.S. Army hiring illegal immigrants into their ranks while simultaneously firing tens of thousands of soldiers who are legal citizens.
We surmised with that first report that Obama would step up the recruitment of illegals and now The Hill is reporting that this process has begun…in earnest.
Go home you freakin $#%&!@*s!
No way
dip$#%&!@*s fired all the Captains, and Majors. I guess these people don’t need leaders.
This is only going to make things worse
So wrong. Why would illegal criminals be recruited?
Time is running out for American Christians….
This is sooo wrong, obama pink slipping heroes for immigrants..stand up against obama and immigrants!!
These are YES people they WILL SHOOT you
impeach obama
they will always be what they are… free riders and sell out trash