It was almost a year ago that we began reporting on the U.S. Army hiring illegal immigrants into their ranks while simultaneously firing tens of thousands of soldiers who are legal citizens.
We surmised with that first report that Obama would step up the recruitment of illegals and now The Hill is reporting that this process has begun…in earnest.
Somthing big is comming
Wake up America!!!
Get ready, WWIII is coming…………………..
Well $#%&!@*ing stop it .
Well this is up to the secretary of defense hopefully he will tell them to stick it! they cut back american citizens in the military they should have the chance to back if they want to.
Filling the army with criminals will create an army of criminals.
This,was shot dow by the senate
Obama’s armies of War that will kill Americans – good Let Er Rip. About time people in the United States see what they voted for and wished for in the United States. Come on start today.