Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland is a decorated Green Beret and has served his country in the Special Forces for 11 years. Now, the United States Army is kicking him out because he got into a physical altercation with an Afghan police commander who is suspected of raping a boy and beating up his mother.
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Restore this man!
From a simple position of justice to defend the victim, this Decorated Soldier has been brutalized. May more ethical citizens rise up!!!
Get used to it. More of Obama’s politically correct c**p!
what is the army thinking? IDIOTS
The good shall be called wicked and the wicked shall be called good. It tells us in the bible this will come to p$#%&!@*. Were seeing examples everywhere. Pray and seek God before its too late. Make things right and love one another as God Commands. There is no justice here on earth any longer. Our government is evil. They want Sharia law p$#%&!@*ed. America isn’t the only country experiencing this.
That’s what’s wrong with America now.
This is Obama’s policy , it sucks
They should have fragged him and buried the rapists
obama you are a hypocrite are you stupid