Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland is a decorated Green Beret and has served his country in the Special Forces for 11 years. Now, the United States Army is kicking him out because he got into a physical altercation with an Afghan police commander who is suspected of raping a boy and beating up his mother.
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Obama at work again
Unbelievable. He should be promoted. B. Hussein Obama hates our military.
Sickening… this is the fruit of “liberal thought”! A-HOLES!
You know msnbc or nbc won’t say a word jesters for WH
This is simply wrong
carolyn she is going to wake up one day and find out its all lies they are putting out there just for him just so they can keep a job but in the long run it not going to do them no good
he probably was done the same way that little boy was done and he like it
Obama needs to go. Why is it what is wrong is now right? Why should just the military stand up against obama why cant the civilians stand up to obama too.
Good another soldier to protect us from O. But I know he and others dont feel its good and actually I dont either but I am looking on the bright side; we need fighters for our side